سبينوماكس أكس ار تي

منتج عضوي طبيعي على شكل اقراص كبيرة لمكافحة يرقات البعوض يحتوي على المادة الفعالة سبينوساد وهي عبارة عن منتج حيوي ناتج من عملية تخمر التي تقوم بها بكتيريا Succharopolyspora spinosa والموجودة طبيعيا في التربة. تتبع المجموعة الكيميائية spinosyn، تعمل عن طريق الملامسة و التغذية حيث تؤثر على الاغشية المبطنة للقنوات الهضمية مسببة ثقوب بها وبالتالي توقف التغذية و موت اليرقة.

Spinomax extended-release tablets are designed for easy application in watershed areas that release levels of the active substance Spinosad over a period of 180 days in breeding areas for mosquitoes such as malaria mosquitoes, dengue mosquitoes, Rift Valley mosquitoes, and sand flies that transmit leishmaniasis.

Spinomax Tablets No cases of larval immunity to this product have been reported

Spinomax tablets are safe for humans and animals and are environmentally friendly. It does not contain any biological contaminants or life-killing germs.

  • Spinomax tablets are the cornerstone for controlling mosquito larvae that transmit diseases (dengue fever, rift valley fever, yellow fever, malaria, meningitis, etc.)
  • Spinomax tablets has high effectiveness on all types of mosquito larvae and controls mosquito larvae from the first instar to the beginning of the fourth instar.
  • Spinomax tablets are fast effective in eliminating mosquito larvae, as it starts working immediately within 4-24 hours of treatment, and does not need to wait 7 days to get the result like other biocides
  • Spinomax Tablets can be used in IPM and sensitive areas due to its excellent safe formulation. Since it is not harmful to beneficial predators such as mosquitoes, flatworms, and other natural enemies, based on toxicity tests, it has not shown side effects on humans, mammals, fish, birds, bees, or wild organisms, and no effects on the food chain have been proven so far.
  • Spinomax tablets are used in all programs to break the immunity of mosquito species that have gained immunity to all types of chemical pesticides, as it is a biological and natural product and does not contain any chemicals
  • Spinomax tablets naturally gradually degrade by aquatic organisms and sunlight
  • Spinomax Tablets is a safe biological product that makes you work on an area ten times less than using chemical pesticides